Interface questions
I define interface as the machine-to-human point of interaction and context of the interaction. By way of clarification we interpret take the position that ChatGPT4 is a tool specifically designed and implemented to assist in performing cognitive tasks. We therefore characterize it as being a Cognitive Prosthetic (CP).
We interpret this to mean that an interface is a way whereby an individual or community is able to interact with a CP. The results of the interaction can be
- low bandwidth (typing, screen output)
- high bandwidth (audio, video, multimedia and machine-to-machine asynchronous interaction or
- any combination between these two
By way of example we interpret interaction with a CP to be interpreted as
- Social Segments (i.e. communities): e.g. a political group interacting with a CP = CP to segment of society or... e.g. a community;
- Universal Access: CP to all of society = open access via world wide web;
- Specialists: CP to financial specialists = one/many financial specialists;
Q1. What are the planned and legitimate interfaces for AI into human societies?
A1. Current and foreseen interfaces suggest high bandwidth interaction;
Our synthesis strongly suggests that high bandwidth interaction will be the norm; these interaction protocols will be reflective of the user domains of expertise;
Therefore members of the physical chemistry community will evolve interface modalities that are reflective of chemical compounds and structures;
Proteomic researchers can be expected to interact using representations of protein structures, their composition and their folding properties;
In sum, the more sophisticated the user community the more sophisticated will be the CP's ability to respond; less sophisticated users will receive less sophisticated responses; but there does not seem to be an inherent upper limit on the sophistication of the modalities that a cognitive prosthetic can offer;
Are interface limits being set for any given project, or can the AI access unplanned interfaces?
Are there certain interfaces that fundamentally change the dangers and risks to be expected from AIs?
Are interfaces leaky, i.e., where the AI could have downstream effects into society further than with the humans it is directly interacting with?
Are risks coming from leaky interfaces fundamentally different? What are their specific characteristics?
Evolutionary problems
Can an AI favor, through any of its outputs, the evolutionary fitness of a part of humanity over another?
Is a given AI capable of initiating a phenotypic revolution?
Political Problems
If an AI is given axiomatic moral principles, how does it approach moral disagreements within humanity about these principles. For instance, if an AI is asked to maximize the saving of human life in a particular problem, how does it approach the problem of saving human lives of people who differ by age, if the AI has not been given axiomatic moral principles indicating preferences based on age?
If an AI is given axiomatic moral principles, are these principles subject to disagreement within society?
Epistemological problems
Is a given AI always truthful in its responses or can it hide objectives or truths to its interface?
Are there mechanisms of self-deception that are present in humanity and not in AI that could lead an AI to radically different conclusions than a human would faced with the same facts?
Should such self-deception mechanisms be implemented in AI?
Epistemological problems
How should an AI approach the problem of truths on which not all humans agree?
What are the planned and legitimate interfaces for AI into human societies?
Are interface limits being set for any given project, or can the AI access unplanned interfaces?
Are there certain interfaces that fundamentally change the dangers and risks to be expected from AIs?
Are interfaces leaky, i.e., where the AI could have downstream effects into society further than with the humans it is directly interacting with?
Are risks coming from leaky interfaces fundamentally different? What are their specific characteristics?
Evolutionary problems
Can an AI favor, through any of its outputs, the evolutionary fitness of a part of humanity over another?
Is a given AI capable of initiating a phenotypic revolution?
Political Problems
If an AI is given axiomatic moral principles, how does it approach moral disagreements within humanity about these principles. For instance, if an AI is asked to maximize the saving of human life in a particular problem, how does it approach the problem of saving human lives of people who differ by age, if the AI has not been given axiomatic moral principles indicating preferences based on age?
If an AI is given axiomatic moral principles, are these principles subject to disagreement within society?
Epistemological problems
How should an AI approach the problem of truths on which not all humans agree?
Is a given AI always truthful in its responses or can it hide objectives or truths to its interface?
Are there mechanisms of self-deception that are present in humanity and not in AI that could lead an AI to radically different conclusions than a human would faced with the same facts?
Should such self-deception mechanisms be implemented in AI?