User:Darwin2049/chatgpt4 omega interface

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OpenAI - ChatGPT4.
In what follows we attempt to address several basic questions about the onrushing progress with the current focus of artificial intelligence. There are several competing actors in this space. These include OpenAI, DeepMind, Anthropic, and Cohere. A number of other competitors are active in the artificial intelligence market place. But for purposes of brevity and because of the overlap we will limit focus on ChatGPT4 (CG4). Further, we focus on several salient questions that that raise questions of safety, risk and prospects. Specifically, risks that either involve or actually are:

  • Interfacing/Access: how different groups can or will interact with, respond to and be affected by this new capability; Might the various access modalities that are available to one group have positive or negative implications for other groups.
Galois Representation
Social Network Analysis

OPPORTUNITIES. We should expect to see a dramatic almost Cambrian Explosion of possibilities. Products and services will emerge in the near term that will capitalize upon the facilities that CP's can offer.

RISKS. All the while as we are recognizing a remarkable range of new possibilities we must be vigilant and on guard to the realities of whole new categories of risk that we could have till now not imagined. The possibilities associated with creating false messaging are hard to fathom. False flag operations, deep fake videos with spurious, false or misleading narratives being presented as fact can lead to a highly volatile social environment.

However the risks will increase in a commensurate fashion. We should expect to see the further refinement of systemic, malicious and theoretical risks proliferate and develop in ways that will require far greater sophistication in our levels of ability to recognize and respond than what our current levels of interaction require.
We should expect to see a blurring of what we know or believe to represent consensus reality and what is hypothetical or theoretical. These will be especially evident in the arena of messaging. Existing open source tools are currently available that offer a competent user to masquerade themselves as any other person either known or historical.

Looking forward the user interface or access mechanism to tools such as CG4 or its derivatives are most likely going to track with how the users themselves pursue their objectives and goals.
Mathematicians will most likely make use of mathematical symbology and diagrams. One can envision communications between members of various mathematical societies and organizations using diagrams such as one depicting Galois theory.


In another case there might be a development in social network analysis wherein a discovery is evident only if relationships are mathematically depicted such as in a social network.

Specialists pursuing the analysis of new genomic or Proteomics insights might facilitate their efforts by using an interface that highlights specific features of a molecule’s structure.

Because this might be the most effective way to convey new developments or discoveries. For users who have little or no familiarity with these domains the interaction pathways and control mechanisms could well be unintelligible.
Existing interface systems allow for spoken commands. A user can present verbal commands to a wide variety of systems using simple spoken direct language. Increasingly many applications and websites use verbal output as a mean to facilitate simplified interaction.

Highly Technical Interaction Modalities

The more sophisticated interface approaches will use combinations of these to expedite task progress. Looking forward there will be a proliferation of large to very large screen display environments.
Depending upon the level of sophistication of how the cognitive prosthetic is accessed a highly sophisticated form of equipment might be required in order to perform even simple tasks. Such interaction might make use of some form of VR or AR equipment such equipment like the device. Attempting to access and control the specific system involved might be difficult if not impossible without the appropriate equipment.

From the other end of the spectrum we should expect to see interfaces that rely on in-ear means of communication with always-on systems. These are likely to merge with the rapidly developing visual display devices that are worn like a pair of glasses but which are in fact high resolution display devices that connect the user to an information system of their choice.

Apple Vision Pro

Going forward interacting with increasingly advanced forms of artificial intelligence will require considerable training to control their capabilities. These user interfaces become much more tailored to meet specific task needs with far greater flexibility than existing user interfaces.

By way of offering more concrete examples following are just a few possibilities that existing for near term tools will become available.

  • Summation: looking forward we should expect to see a wide range of access mechanisms to cognitive prosthetics. Specialized access methodologies and tools will gravitate toward new standards that will reflect the specific needs of those communities involved in targeted work areas and tasks. But to name several categories we should expect to see interface approaches that enable:
  • Bottom line: we have entered a new era of interaction. The range of possibilities are very broad.
  • Point of Entry (POE). Corporations and similar related enterprises will no longer employ humans to greet visitors. These kinds of tasks will be handled by lifelike avatars that are trained on a wide range of human interaction tasks. These will likely be offered as generalists. More advanced and specialized variants will provide very sophisticated interaction capability but for targeted domains.
    • Generalists. This might be an avatar that is indistinguishable from a live human being. Their features, demeanor, expressions and overall behavioral traits will flawlessly mimic those of a human. A range traits and behaviors will be available from a catalog of predefined items that a user or purchaser will select and combine. They will be adjusted to offer appropriately pitched greeting and welcoming situations.
    • Specialists. These types of avatars will also be indistinguishable from a live human being but will offer highly specific support for very advanced tasks. These might include medical diagnosis, design of advanced engineering or scientific products or services. In short they will be the interface that a user interacts with to perform their tasks.
  • Messaging. We can imagine all forms of messaging that range from perfunctory greetings to highly elaborate message or instruction delivery. These will offer sophisticated interactive capability wherein the individual interacting with the messaging system will be able to issue queries and receive appropriate responses that enable further refinement of messages intended for one or more individuals or audiences. These may be for the purpose of political campaigns, new product or service promotion or other forms of communication that require sophistication and refinement.
  • Personal assistants and intermediaries. Those of "a certain age" will recall the rise of telephone answering machines... "please leave a message after the beep". Looking just a very short way forward we can imagine a personal assistant capable of receiving contact events, and offering specific responses depending upon the caller; they will manifest as existing or previously existing individuals such as prominent historical figures or entertainers. It can likewise be the case that a user might utilize more than one personal assistant. One might serve the purpose of prioritizing responses depending upon the caller. A more specialized personal assistant might manifest as a different persona and possess episodic memories of all previous interactions.
  • Operations.
    • Support and maintenance of complex engineering systems.
    • Scheduling and management of personnel, logistics.
  • Education.
    • Basic skills. A brief excursion with Chat GPT3.5 or GPT4 will demonstrate that this is a system that is capable of providing contextually meaningful information. It has shown that it can calibrate its level of explanatory detail depending upon the level of skill of the user. This means that a user can ask for an explanation of transfinite numbers or the Goedel Incompleteness Theorem or what quaternions are and it can provide an explanation that a sixth grader can understand. It can then recalibrate its explanation such that a university professor might incorporate in a lecture on the subject. It can provide either a short, succinct explanation or a much more detailed one as necessary. This means that effectively this is an entirely new capability that will further the ability of individual to learn new subjects at a pace that they themselves can sustain.
    • Intermediary. Individuals who are navigating their way through the education process very often discover that in order to gain admittance to a specific course of their interest they are obliged to take introductory or prerequisite courses. GPT4 is a powerful tool that can facilitate and shorten the process of preparation. A fundamentally powerful feature of GPT4 as an educational tool is that it can provide alternative explanations to a specific subject tirelessly.
    • Languages. With the addition of voice input and output an individual can boost their ability to master another language. Moreover and individualized training curriculum can be constructed that can be pitched to keep the student focused and interested. Most of all it is a means of learning without being locked to a specific schedule and location. A person engaging in acquiring another language can make use of GPT4 at any time and anywhere that they are able to connect.
    • Advanced specialized topics. A specialist might recognize that their pursuit of a solution might entail solutions or responses that might be adjacent or exterior to their own familiarity or area of expertise. In this juncture GPT4 can be called upon to provide responses and insight into those areas as necessary. Better still it is possible to perform what is called "fine tuning" to provide a more generic version of GPT4 with that specialized knowledge.
  • Entertainment.
    • Life-like role playing games. Current online or electronic based entertainment enable a player to interact with a lifelike realities or forms of existence that have no direct analog to everyday experience. If one were to survey many of the PC based or online based games there will be the gradual recognition that they tend to be oriented to the specific demographics of younger people. This leaves out several demographic groups that might benefit by having the opportunity to interact with environments and situations that more closely reflect where they are in their lives at that moment.
    • Non Player Characters. Interactive games that incorporate the first person point of view are generally populated with what are called "non player characters". These are avatar characters that typically use prescripted actions or responses. With a GPT4 based capability it is possible to have a very broad range of potential interaction patterns and responses. In this case these characters may begin to resemble actual fellow human players.
  • Analysis – Design and Development.
    • Physical Sciences. The solution to the human proteome has been essentially solved by the company DeepMind. Looking forward a small distance it is not out of the question that substantial to even dramatic advances in resolving many of the puzzles associated with epigenetics will also come into focus. Another major advance will be the conclusive demonstration of "room temperature" superconducting. Recent reports have suggested that progress has been made in improving the stability of the plasma that nuclear fusion creates in such devices as tokamaks or stellerators. As the ability to stabilize the process improves humanity will finally see the end of fossil fuel dependence with the availability of limitless amounts of practically free power.
    • Engineering. . If we have a look at some of the more recent examples of advanced engineering developments the civilian cruise line ship building process is a case in point where highly advanced engineering tools are used to design and build massive floating hotels in record time. In the military world we can see the most cutting edge developments in terms of aircraft, both piloted and unpiloted. In the realm of orbital observation platforms we are able to see likewise the most cutting edge designs becoming real. Examples of these include aircraft such as the American F35 or the Virginia Class submarine. These machine designs are positioned right at the very leading edge of what is currently scientifically and technologically possible. They are conceptualized, designed and constructed using highly advanced information systems that facilitate the most demanding and complex calculations imaginable to arrive ad working variants. Looking forward it is easy to imagine this level of sophistication and complexity permeating any number of civilian venues as well. As of this writing it is difficult to imagine what new products or services might emerge but that the ability to design and create them should be evident.
  • Immersive Exploratory Realities.
    • Training. Many corporate positions require a minimum level of skill, education and competence. Often an individual responsible for a specific role might be moved into another role that has areas of responsibility that the person may have only passing insight into. By using CG4 it becomes possible to facilitate their familiarization with that new area's specifics and responsibilities. This can be done with content that is pitched at that person's level of competence and individualized to their needs, times and constraints. The result will result in substantial improvement in the functioning of how a corporation innovates, formalizes delivers and supports new products and services.
    • Service or product support and maintenance. Broadband mobile access to the World Wide Web now allows an individual with a smart phone to access web sites that had formerly been more readily accessed via a personal computer. Todays ability to access these same sites while "on the go" mean that software applications. However with increasingly effortless access to these already existing capabilities comes the inevitable need for support. The range of individuals who use such tools as internet security, virtual private networks, encryption programs typically find that they are relatively complex and require a considerable degree of technical acumen. Attempts to get meaningful support from the suppliers of these tools is often met with a steep learning curve. Worse the help that is provided tends to take a "one size fits all" approach. The reality is that contextually sensitive help is what is really called for. In this instance a tool such as CG4 is the exact solution. There have been innumerable examples of demonstrations of its capabilities wherein it has been queried to "explain topic PQR so that a sixth grader can understand it...". The result has been that CG4 is able to calibrate its responses for a range of individuals with either very sophisticated insight and understanding of a topic all the way to people who have never heard of the subject before. Going forward we should expect that the trend toward ever more useful and helpful support will only increase.
    • Negotiation. Many business arrangements require that two or more interested parties engage in developing an agreed upon working arrangement. Training in negotiation involves specific skills that are not typically available in most university curricula. Yet negotiation is an almost daily activity when accomplishment of a goal involves multiple parties. This means that providing individualized training in negotiation will become a potential area of crucial value.
    • Psychotherapy. Several years ago researchers attempted to make use of highly objective forms of psychotherapeutic support tools that involved using an AI based chatbot to help individuals with PTSD. This approach has come a long way since then. With the incorporation of a sophisticated system such as CG4 then the prospect seems to be becoming increasingly likely that we will see these systems playing an increasingly larger role in the therapeutic process.
    • Social services. In almost all major urban areas in the developed world one will will be able to find government facilities that are dedicated to providing a range of support or assistance to local residents. A regular feature of these facilities is that they almost always involve inconvenient and lengthy waiting periods before service and resolution can be provided. With a GPT4 based approach it will become possible to shortcut much of what is commonly referred to as "red tape". In plain words, the inherent government inefficiency that almost all municipalities, state, local and federal agencies encumber their citizens with.
    • Life and social skills coaching and training. Current capabilities allow for interaction with historical figures. These historical figures might be specific individuals who have produced a body of work that can be used as a basis for developing and sustaining extended dialogs. Or they might represent known bodies of knowledge that have no individualized persona. These might be works such as the Koran, the Bible or the Torah. A wide range of knowledge sources will become available such that an individual might interact with such artifacts by engaging in a dialog with an appropriately configured avatar.
    • Social, cultural narrative articulation, clarification. A scan of most news channels will reveal any number of social and political issues and topics that carry considerable freight in terms of discomfort, anger or worse. An attentive and knowledgeable observer will often report that the various parties and positions are presented with narratives that basically "talk past" each other. With CG4 we should see the beginning of the end of this mismatch of discussion points and a facilitation of a convergence on the actual specific topics and issues and the gradual process of negotiating a modus vivendi.
    • Marketing. Highly connected societies mean that a marketer will have to focus on a strategy wherein they can place their product or service before as wide an audience as possible. It has long been recognized that successful marketing is a numbers game. If a product or service is placed in front of a very broad audience then there will almost always be segments of that population that will respond positively. With the inclusion of CG4-type capabilities the ability to offer engaging and persuasive messaging will only increase in terms of engagement and sophistication.
    • Brand Promotion Analytics. Currently providers of products or services find themselves operating in a marketplace with lots of competition. In order to establish brand recognition and maintain loyalty they are obliged to constantly work at identify what their client or customer base is responding to and further refine their messaging. The process is highly Darwinian and requires constant attention on the part of any enterprise that wants to maintain a market presence. CG4 will facilitate improved two way communication between the enterprise and the market such that changes in taste, perception or attention can be quickly recognized and responded to.
    • Political Messaging. We foresee that political messaging will be a huge area that will entail both promise as well as peril. The former Cambridge Analytica in London proved beyond doubt that highly specific and targeted messaging can be formulated and delivered to surprisingly small target audience segments. These messages were able to sway people to respond to several of the major issues of the day and either take action to cast a ballot for their choice or decide that not casting a ballot was the preferred choice.
    • Disinformation - Deep Fakes. Dramatic improvements in the ability to create human faces that can not be distinguished from real and living people has moved forward with surprising speed. Software tools are available at minimal or even no cost that enable a knowledgeable person to begin with their own fact and have the face of a public figure, past or present mapped onto their own face. Then that person can provide verbal content to this false facial representation. The results are stunning. The clues and indications that a false representation has happened has now become all but impossible to detect. Similar advances in the ability to mimic another person's voice has also come forward to the point that it is all but impossible to determine if the actual person who's voice it belongs to actually uttered the words begin said. This means that any public figure's face can now be used as a mask from behind which the most remarkable statements can be uttered. It has become essentially impossible to determine if a constructive, altruistic, positive well known individual has been harboring the most toxic and rage filled sentiments. Herein lies a very serious risk to all of our societies because of the difficulty of determining what is true and what is not.
    • False Flag operations. Using this same technology it will become possible to create and mount false flag operations. These might be initially at a low level such as against a local politician or corporate figure. Going forward we should expect to see these increase in sophistication. As they become more sophisticated the risks associated with violent reaction or conflict will simply escalate.
    • Anonymous trusted intermediaries. Because it will now be possible to create avatars that are indistinguishable from real people we should expect to see synthetic persons being used to deliver messages that can not be traced back to the source. These might be used for trusted purposes. But can also be used for nefarious and malicious purposes such as extortion or blackmail.
    • Espionage: training, recruitment, infiltration, operations, exfiltration.
    • Advisors, associates, friends. In recent years there have been several enterprises that have begun to develop AI based avatars with very lifelike responsiveness. In some of these evidence is showing that a new development has been gaining traction. This is in the context of using a tool such as CG4 to capture and synthesize responses of an individual who may no longer exist but has left a corpus of information about themselves in the guise of email, comments or other forms of messaging. These can be used to develop surprisingly convincing simulacra of that person's perceptions, values and attitudes for a wide range of issues. Going forward we should expect to see these new forms of "friends" become increasingly lifelike and convincing.

In all cases they will offer lifelike resolution with facial features and expressiveness that will rival that of the most advanced actor’ their audio capabilities will offer accentless speech with perfect articulation, diction and annunciation.

We are witnessing human communication that will be expedited or otherwise augmented well beyond what has gone before. The possibilities for constructive and beneficial usage will dramatically improve the ability of individual to communicate with each other as well as with corporate entities.

  • Political/Competitive: how might different groups or actors gain or lose relative advantage; also, how might it be used as a tool of control;

Political - Synthesis.

  • Evolutionary/Stratification: might new classifications of social categories emerge; were phenotypical bifurcations to emerge would or how would the manifest themselves;

Evolutionary - Synthesis.

  • Epistemological/Ethical relativism: how to reconcile ethical issues within a society, between societies; more specifically, might it provide solutions or results that are acceptable to the one group but unacceptable to the other group; recent attention has been drawn to the evidence that a LLM such as CG4 may begin to exhibit sycophancy in its interactions with a user; even if the value stance of the user can be considered as an equivocation;

Epistemological - Synthesis

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