Ivermectin has beneficial effects against SARS-COV-2

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Ivermectin has beneficial effects against SARS-COV-2 is a claim based on at least 76 independent studies conducted by researchers around the world. These studies show an unambiguous medical benefit for treatment with Ivermectin in patients suffering from SARS-COV-2 infection and Covid-19 disease.

Reasons & Support

Statistically significant improvements are seen for mortality, ventilation, ICU admission, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. All remain significant after exclusions. 49 studies from 45 independent teams in 21 different countries show statistically significant improvements in isolation (37 primary outcome, 34 most serious outcome). Meta analysis using the most serious outcome shows 66% [53‑75%] and 83% [74‑89%] improvement for early treatment and prophylaxis, with similar results after exclusion based sensitivity analysis (excluding all GMK/BBC team studies), for primary outcomes, for peer-reviewed studies, and for RCTs. Results are very robust — in worst case exclusion sensitivity analysis 60 of 76 studies must be excluded to avoid finding statistically significant efficacy.

Results Summary

Studies Prophylaxis Early treatment Late treatment Patients Authors
All studies 76 83% [74‑89%] 66% [53‑75%] 39% [23‑52%] 57,647 718
Peer-reviewed 55 83% [73‑90%] 68% [50‑80%] 41% [17‑58%] 25,228 558
With GMK/BBC exclusions 51 82% [68‑89%] 73% [64‑80%] 53% [29‑69%] 44,741 545
Randomized Controlled Trials 32 84% [25‑96%] 62% [45‑74%] 23% [-1‑41%] 7,032 361
RCTs w/GMK/BBC exclusions 25 84% [25‑96%] 69% [56‑77%] 26% [-2‑46%] 4,423 299
Percentage improvement with ivermectin treatment in bold (confidence interval in brackets)
Statement of the claim Ivermectin has beneficial effects against SARS-COV-2
Level of certainty True
Nature Factual
Counterclaim Ivermectin has no effect or detrimental effects against SARS-COV-2
Dependent on


Dependency of


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