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OpenAI - ChatGPT4.
In what follows we attempt to address several basic questions about the onrushing progress with the current focus of artificial intelligence. There are several competing actors in this space. These include OpenAI, DeepMind, Anthropic, and Cohere. A number of other competitors are active in the artificial intelligence market place. But for purposes of brevity and because of the overlap we will limit focus on ChatGPT4 (CG4). Further, we focus on several salient questions that that raise questions of safety, risk and prospects.
Synthesis. Following are some proposed responses to the questions as posed:
- Interfacing/Accessibility-Conformability - Synthesis. how will different groups interact with, respond to and be affected by it; might access modalities available to one group have positive or negative implications for other groups;
- Political/Competitive - Synthesis. how might different groups or actors gain or lose relative advantage; also, how might it be used as a tool of control;
- Evolutionary/Stratification - Synthesis. might new classifications of social categories emerge; were phenotypical bifurcations to emerge would or how would the manifest themselves;
- Epistemological - Synthesis how to reconcile ethical issues within a society, between societies; more specifically, might it provide solutions or results that are acceptable to the one group but unacceptable to the other group;
The reification process has led to . reviewing these questions and therefore form the foundation of the analysis that follows. The fallout has shown that they implicitly pose questions of who wins and who loses. Or to put this another way that a traditional game reality exists in which both
zero and non-zero outcomes necessarily obtain.
Impressions. Addressing these question indicated that making a short survey of reporting with the intent to gauge the reported sentiment might offer some insight. The results suggested four major categories. These sentiments included (positives favor continued advances worried cautious, worried; alarmed petitioned for government intervention; battle stations! being overtaken by a rival is unacceptable);
The way that these sentiments were categorized in terms of risk involved describing the kind of risk that each seemed to be either stating explicitly or implying.
An analysis of sentiment and impressions could easily become a research effort in and of itself. That did not appear to be the primary objective of the examination. Therefore only a small sampling of well publicized reports have been included. Possibly a more detailed approach might be indicated at a later time.
Operations, Understanding the CG4 internal mechanisms might offer some insight into how it does what it does. And therefore by extension how one group might gain or lose advantage. The result is that several variants of the Deep Learning approach came to light but the Large Language Model (LLM) seemed to be the preferred point of entre'. This was because it has shown itself to be remarkably versatile in its range of applicability.
Risks. Three categories emerged: systemic, malicious and theoretical. In each case our observation is that this new technology is inherently dual use.
That this technology does show itself to be dual use led to the intimation that a pause for some considerations was in order before proceeding. They led to the intermediate synthesis that can be found next.
Intermediate Synthesis Based upon what we have observed
our deliberations suggested that we make more explicit what we think and feel as well as offering some caveats for further consideration.
Caveats Our analysis to this point has suggested that several crucial factors be acknowledged. These include such observations that Deep Learning technology results are dual use. They can be used to further facilitate social, economic and political well being. But they can also be used for malicious purposes that can not yet be imagined.
Phase Shift. The IBM Quantum System Two (EOY 2023) has served notice that it will release 432 Q-Bit Osprey. Migrating Deep Learning systems to a quantum computing environment will result in a before/after event.
Theoretical These theoretical thoughts are more speculative. However they attempt to avoid going beyond the bounds of what is actually possible.
Conclusions Synthesis Finally we try to arrive at what supports our position regarding how the question groups were answered. These were the questions on interfaces, political, evolutionary and epistemology.
Note & References The notes and references that follow are intended to provide further support to the theses promoted in this effort.
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